ty Party secretary, one probably had reached a level of composure where their emotions didn't show on their face. This was not surprising at all. 。Xiao Zheng then said, "Okay, I understand the situati...Zhao Yougen, Jian Xiushui, and Fei Nuanyi all nodded. 。Xiao Zheng said, "Everyone's revenge over the past two days is related to both Lin Yiqiang and Wang Youfu." 。Kai Lin Yiqiang and Wang Fuyou weren't both already in jail Why are they still able to get revenge on us The main culprits are Lin Yiqiang's uncle Song Guoming and Wang Fuyou's father, Wang Guilong! At the moment, we can't rely on any leaders to help us deal with them. 。But if we don't take any action, the last people to be killed will be us. 。"Mr. Xiao, I think you're right." 。Disrespectful to fire me, I won't let this slide. 。Make me an ordinary person, just so you can bully me afterwards. 。After spending so many years at the police station, I know all too well the ways of people like Song Guoming, Qin Pei, and Wang Guilong. 。"Our friendship will last a lifetime!"Just as they were about to leave the private room, Tan Siming, slightly drunk, said to Tan Zhen: "Secretary Tan, in Jingzhou, you are the top dog. Do whatever you...
Chapter 99: Discovering Suspicions