Chapter 1673: Powerful Forces Invading

時沈翔又看向那穿著一身雪白聖潔衣裙的白幽幽,雖然這是個女魔頭,但此時看起來卻像是一個神聖而冰清玉潔的女神。讓沈翔癡癡地看著,白幽幽隻是臉上帶著她那特有的冷酷笑容,毫不避諱沈翔那種火辣辣的眼神。看著看著,沈翔的手也好像被某種力量控製著。膽大的把手伸了過去,在水中抓住了那隻冰涼嬌軟的玉足。這讓白幽幽微微蹙眉,而一邊的蘇媚瑤眼眸閃爍著奇異的光芒。她倒要看看沈翔的膽子到底有多大,看看白幽幽的承受能力。白幽..."Could it be that when anyone enters the Life Tree Grove and is discovered by this fellow, everything would be stripped bare" A hint of anger appeared on Shen Xiang's face. No wonder Eastern Moonnight was so vicious.anged with others."Scenery Xiang looked straight into Yu Qilian's eyes while lowering his head. Now, he hugged her with only one arm and leaned so closely that his heart was filled with daring thought...