Suban hadn't come to his senses yet when a resounding slap landed on his face. He was stunned, his head spinning and stars danced before his eyes.,Xia Wan'er weakly stepped forward with a face full of guilt and continued, "Sister, I'm sorry. I once promised you that I wouldn't have any improper thoughts towards the Crown Prince. It's true that there are times when it's impossible to control oneself. My longing for the Crown Prince is so deep, this feeling consumes me, making it impossible to extricate myself. Forgive me for ignoring your warning.",Xia Wan'er looked at Xia Zi'an, who was in a sorry state below. A venomous flash crossed her eyes, but she pleaded in a pleading tone: "Sister, I beg you to spare me and the Prince. My sister will remember your kindness for life."。